The Quooker was the very first boiling-water tap in the world. An invention that brought about a revolution in the kitchen.
How does it work?
The Quooker system consists of a small tank in the kitchen cupboard that is linked to the boiling water tap on the worktop. The tank acts like a vacuum flask connected to the water mains. The air in the insulated wall is so thin that the heat is unable to escape.
It therefor takes very little energy (just 10 watts) to keep the water in the tank at 110°C. The water only starts to boil when the tap is turned on and the temperature of the outflowing water drops to 100°C. While the water is flowing out of the tap, fresh water immediately flows into the tank.

The Quooker range consists of various options. If you would like convenience, go for a 3-in-1 tap or a separate boiling-water tap if you would like to position somewhere else. Choose the tap that suits you best.